providing human-like capabilities

By providing human-like capabilities to support taxpayers and tax authorities, GenAI can act as both taxman and taxpayer assistant, automating routine tasks, clarifying complex issues, and fostering a more transparent and collaborative relationship. This technology can lower administrative hurdles, demystify tax obligations, and invite broader part

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on the Lapis Niger that Flaccus

The archaeological journal volume about his excavations from 1903 suggested that the polished black stone on the Lapis Niger that Flaccus saw could have been a meteorite, but the excavations from 1899 only seemed to have uncovered copies influenced by the Lapis Niger. Etruscan grave markersfrom a major necropolis in Cerveteri have similar black sto

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could afford to trade meteoritic

Assur, the capital of the Old Assyrian city-state, felt that the meteoritic iron needed to be taxed, which makes Jan Gerrit Dercksen of Leiden University think that it was common enough to be included in the system of trade tariffs. In Anatolia, not every merchant could afford to trade meteoritic iron, and it seems that groups of merchants combined

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and did not include a demand

The Financial Times said it had seen the “final version” of the agreement, which it said was dated February 24 and did not include a demand for $500 billion. The deal would “establish a fund into which Ukraine would contribute 50 percent of proceeds from the ‘future monetization’ of state-owned mineral resources, including oil and gas, an

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diplomacy that also involves Moscow

A few weeks ago, rare earth elements, critical minerals, and other natural resources seemed like just one more factor in efforts to end Russia’s war on Ukraine. Now they are front and center, a dominant focus of U.S. talks with Kyiv and a prominent vein of the intensifying diplomacy that also involves Moscow, the European Union, and others as Rus

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